The association A.I.S.EA Onlus has always believed in the importance of the collaboration with the specialist treating physicians  of the AHC patients, and in the utility of the work with them in a network, with the aim both to develop a better health and social care, and to support the active and aware participation of the patients in the study and research activities.





The role of the specialist treating physicians is fundamental  for the success of I.B.AHC and it is based on their agreement to share the information on their patients and to contribute actively to the study of the disease, to the development of good, shared and validated diagnostic and care practices and to the development of an efficient research of a treatment.


Therefore, the requested tasks for the treating physicians willing to participate to I.B.AHC, are:

  • information to their patients about I.B.AHC and the opportunity to participate to it;
  • presentation of their patients and collegial discussion of their diagnoses during the I.B.AHC validation video-sessions;
  • entering and updating of the data of their patients in the I.B.AHC Clinical Registry; sending of the blood drawings, of their patients and their parents, to the I.B.AHC Biobank;
  • information to their patients on the new studies and research projects initiated thanks to I.B.AHC and supported by the association; collaboration with such projects, in particular by supporting  their patients in the participation; communication of the results of these projects to their patients.

In return, I.B.AHC can offer:

  • visibility about their work in collecting and validating the clinical data of their patients and possibility to actively participate, as the referent of their cases, to international research projects
  • easy consultation and use of the follow up information on their  patients, since the patient data are organized in clinical records in the I.B.AHC Registry, updated also with the results of the studies to which the patients have participated
  • analysis and study of the data of all the validated patients in I.B.AHC, with the aim to improve the care of their patients
  • participation to the video-sessions for the collegial validation of the diagnosis of all the cases entered in I.B.AHC, and to all the informative events organized by A.I.S.EA and by its Scientific Committee
  • networked collaboration with all the other specialist physicians participating to I.B.AHC, with the Scientific Committee and the advisors of A.I.S.EA, and with the researchers using I.B.AHC
  • information on the individual and general results of the studies using I.B.AHC
  • updating on the activities of the association, on the current studies and research and on the national and international publications
  • possibility to realize clinical and diagnostic studies and surveys, with the enrolment, if needed,  of the patients participating to I.B.AHC
  • possibility to participate to the definition of the regulatory and functioning processes of I.B.AHC



As for the patients, also the participation of their specialist treating physicians is free and voluntary; at any time, it is possible to withdraw, by sending a written communication to A.I.S.EA at the email address It's not necessary to become a member of A.I.S.EA Onlus to participate to I.B.AHC.


In order to participate to I.B.AHC, the treating physician  must first enrol, by signing the Informed Consent  Form.